Örebro: Category Manager Steel

Hitta ansökningsinfo om jobbet Category Manager Steel i Örebro. Är det intressant kan du gå vidare och ansöka jobbet. Annars kan du klicka på arbetsgivaren eller yrkesbenämningen för att se alla jobb i Örebro inom den kategorin.

Publicerad: 2024-07-08 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Epiroc is a leading productivity partner for the mining, infrastructure and natural resources industries. With
cutting-edge technology, Epiroc develops and produces innovative drill rigs, rock excavation and construction
equipment, and provides world-class service and consumables. The company was founded in Stockholm,
Sweden, and has passionate people supporting and collaborating with customers in more than 150 countries.
Learn more at www.epirocgroup.com.

Global Category Manager - Steel
Epiroc's Global Sourcing department is an inclusive and diverse team dedicated to making a significant impact on sustainability and decarbonization initiatives. Are you passionate about making a difference and eager to contribute to building a better future for both people and the planet? If so, the role of Global Category Manager - Steel could be the perfect fit for you.

As the Global Category Manager for Steel, you will be at the forefront of our efforts to optimize steel sourcing, drive cost efficiencies, and support our decarbonization goals. Your strategic insights and expertise will be vital in managing the supply chain, fostering supplier relationships, and ensuring the sustainable procurement of steel across all our operations. Your key responsibilities will include:
•    Developing and implementing global sourcing strategies for steel that align with our business objectives and sustainability goals.
•    Develop a business model for steel that is commonly a tier2 supply in our sourcing channels, to optimize cost effiency and ensure that Epiroc achieve our up-streams CO2 reduction targets.  
•    Work closely to our category managers in respective division primarily for Major Weldment, Light welding, Machining and Casting. 
•    Building and maintaining strong relationships with key suppliers to ensure a reliable and sustainable supply of steel.
•    Conducting market research and analysis to stay ahead of industry trends, price fluctuations, and emerging technologies in green steel production.
•    Identifying opportunities for cost savings and efficiency improvements in steel procurement.
•    Working closely with internal stakeholders to understand their steel requirements and ensure alignment with procurement strategies.
•    Assessing and mitigating risks associated with steel supply, including geopolitical factors, regulatory changes, and environmental impacts.

Your Profile
This is a new role, so as person you like to develop new ways of working, are independant, collaborative and have a strategic mindest. We are looking for a candidate with a minimum of 5 years of experience in strategic sourcing, or similar. 
A Bachelor’s degree in engineering, business adminsitration, or a related field is required. 

You should possess strong negotiation, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
Being result-oriented, methodical, and diligent with excellent planning skills is important. 
Excellent communication skills in English (verbal and written) are required. 
Collaboration and stakeholder management abilities, along with being pedagogical and patient with a willingness to help, are also essential.
This is a global role, and the position can be based at any of Epiroc’s production sites worldwide.

Regular travel, both domestic and international, is required. Local terms and conditions will apply, depending on the successful candidate’s current location.

Application and contact information
Please send your application, including CV and personal letter, by creating an account in our recruitment system as soon as possible but no later than 12th of August. 
We review applications on a rolling basis. Please note that, due to the current regulations, we will only consider applications received through our system and not via email or social media.

For questions about the hiring process, please contact recruiting recruiter specialist Dana Galova dana.galova@epiroc.com   
For questions about the position, please contact Carin Bergendorff, Group Vice Presidents Sourcing carin.bergendorff@epiroc.com

Life at Epiroc
By joining our team, you can expect an atmosphere of creativity, innovation, and workplace diversity. You will be a part of a group of skilled and helpful colleagues who live by our core values: Collaboration, Commitment, and Innovation. We work in a global environment with over 113 different nationalities!

In addition to the fact that we have a culture that is characterized by development combined with having a good balance between work and leisure, there are some things that makes us a little extra proud to work at Epiroc:  
•    Global career opportunities
•    Epiroc University, for your own competence development
•    Community involvement
•    Benefits package, which amongst other things include flexible working hours and bonus.
A hybrid workplace 
Life at Epiroc can include the possibility for a hybrid workplace. It is a way of working that offers flexibility and participation allowing for a better balance between work and private life, which also promotes well-being. The hybrid workplace is an opportunity if work allows, based on your role, responsibilities, and individual conditions.

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Andra jobb i Örebro som Inköpare

Nedan visas andra jobb i Örebro som Inköpare.

Operativ Inköpare till EJOT i Örebro

Läs mer Jan 16
Vill du arbeta med kvalitetsprodukter som förbättrar arbetsmiljön för bygga i hela Europa, vill du hjälpa till att hålla system hållbara och varaktiga längre och vill du arbeta i ett marknadsledande och innovativt företag med starka tillväxtplaner?
EJOT utvecklar lösningar för alla infästningstillämpningar i nära samarbete med kund. Målet är att använda "intelligenta" EJOT-produkter för att säkerställa slutprodukts kvalitet och samtidigt minska de totala kostnaderna. Vi gör detta genom att våga prova nya idéer, respektera varandra och framförallt - lyssna på och involvera proffs genom hela produktutvecklingen.
Vi söker en engagerad operativ inköpare. Du kommer ha ansvar för egna leverantörer och köpa in till Skandinaviska kunder. Inköpsgruppen består av 4 inköpare och jobbar tillsammans och hjälper varandra i vardagen.Ansvarsområden:Operativt inköpsarbete; ansvara för att genomföra och följa upp inköp för ett antal olika sortimentsprodukter samt upprätthålla goda relationer med leverantörer.EazyStock; arbeta i EazyStock, vårt inköpssystem, för att optimera lagerhållning och inköp, med fokus på att minska kostnader och säkerställa rätt lagerstatus.Kontroll över artiklar och leverantörer; hålla noggrann kontroll över dina artiklar och leverantörer, inklusive uppdatering av priser, leveransvillkor och avtal.Snabba puckar; du behöver vara flexibel och redo att agera snabbt vid behov, hantera oförutsedda situationer och fatta snabba beslut för att säkerställa verksamhetens kontinuitet, gärna följa och vilja driva projekt, använda AI och tycka om att ligga i framkant.Rapportering och uppföljning; du följer upp och rapporterar till din Teamledare. Säkerställa att du som inköpare följer upp dina inköp och leverantörer på ett professionellt sätt.Transporter; Du ser till att våra produkter levereras med avtalstransporter på ett så optimalt sätt som möjligt.
Erfarenheter* erfarenhet inom inköp med fokus på operativt inköpsarbete i ett helhetsperspektiv* erfarenhet av att arbeta i EazyStock eller liknande system är meriterande* kunskap i engelska, tyska är meriterande* förmågan att hantera flera parallella projekt och kunna fatta snabba beslut i en dynamisk miljö* att jobba strukturerat och noggrant med ett starkt affärsfokusFör att klara det här jobbet behöver du vara lösningsorienterad och flexibel, ha förmågan att hantera snabba förändringar och oförutsedda händelser. Du ska tycka om ordning och reda, samt att arbeta med långsiktiga relationer. Dessutom behöver du ha en god kommunikationsförmåga samt vara en lagspelare med god samarbetsförmåga.
Låter det här som du?Har du frågor kring tjänsten är du välkommen att ringa till Åsa Quarfordt, senior rekryteringskonsult på Best Bemanning &Rekrytering; på tel 070-618 0675.
Din ansökan med ditt personliga brev och din CV vill vi ha snarast, dock senast den 4/2-25.

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Strategisk inköpare till SAAB Karlskoga

Läs mer Jan 23
Vill du bli en del av ett professionellt och inspirerande gäng som har roligt tillsammans på dagarna? Är du på jakt efter ett jobb där du får ansvara leverantörsutveckling men också förvaltning? Då kan vi ha rätt utmaning för dig! Just nu söker vi på Jefferson Wells en erfaren strategisk inköpare till vår kunds verksamhet i Karlskoga. Vi tror att en viktig förutsättning för att trivas i den här rollen är att du drivs av att lösa komplexa problem.

Vill du vara med på vår kunds resa? Du kommer att inledningsvis vara anställd av Jefferson Wells i Karlskoga med möjlighet att bli anställd direkt av kund och tillsättning sker enligt överenskommelse. Välkommen med din ansökan och till oss på Jefferson Wells!

Om jobbet som inköpsstrateg

I rollen som inköpsstrateg ansvarar du för att aktivt delta i företagets strategiska leverantörsarbete. Du kommer att jobba med att skapa relationer, jobba med förbättringsarbete vad gäller inköpsprocessen samt delta i olika former av internprojekt vid behov. Något som är extra roligt med den här rollen är att det också ingår att kontinuerligt förbättra arbetsmetoder, systemstöd och resursutnyttjande samt agera stöd i ekonomiska och juridiska frågor som uppstår i verksamheten. Du kommer att jobba i IFS och om det är nytt för dig får du en genomkörare av oss. Resor kan förekomma. Du rapporterar till närmsta inköpschef.

Är du rätt för rollen som inköpsstrateg?

Vi på Jefferson Wells söker dig som har gedigen erfarenhet av strategiskt inköpsarbete och affärsförhandlingar. Dessutom har du goda kunskaper i både svenska och engelska i tal och skrift och god kunskap inom förhandling, juridik, offerter, produktkännedom, sourcing och leverantörsutveckling. Du har även minst högskoleutbildning inom teknik, juridik eller ekonomi.

För att lyckas i uppdraget är det viktigt att du har ett stort driv och att du förmedlar information på ett tydligt och strukturerat sätt. Det är också viktigt att du lägger upp ditt arbete på ett strategiskt sätt.

För anställning krävs uppvisande av utdrag ur belastningsregistret.

För såväl oss på Jefferson Wells som vår kund är det viktigt med jämställdhet och mångfald och därför ser vi gärna sökanden av olika kön och bakgrund. Vi vill tillvara ta all den kompetens som finns i samhället oavsett könstillhörighet, religiös åskådning och etnisk eller kulturell tillhörighet.

Vad kan Jefferson Wells erbjuda dig?

Jefferson Wells är specialister på kompetensförsörjning av chefer och specialister inom ekonomi, HR, executive, inköp, logistik, marknad, försäljning och ingenjörsområdet. Vi är ett av få bolag som samarbetar med företag, myndigheter och organisationer inom privat och offentlig sektor i hela Sverige. Våra konsultchefer har gedigen kunskap inom just ditt område. Som konsult hos oss är din karriär och utveckling alltid i fokus. Vår verksamhet bygger på att våra anställda trivs och utvecklas. Vi erbjuder en trygg anställning med allt vad det innebär: månadslön, kollektivavtal, försäkringar m.m. Läs mer om hur det är att vara konsult på Jefferson Wells: https://www.jeffersonwells.se/sv/karriar/konsult-pa-jefferson-wells

Om vår kund

Kunden är ett expansivt, innovativt och världsledande företag som verkar inom försvarsindustrin. De arbetar huvudsakligen som ledande försvars- och säkerhetsföretag med uppdrag att hjälpa nationer att skydda sin befolkning och bidrar till trygghet för människor och samhällen. Företaget har sitt säte i moderna lokaler i Karlskoga


För att söka tjänsten skapar du ett konto hos oss där du bifogar CV och personligt brev. Vid frågor kontaktar du konsultchef Jacob Classon via e-post: jacob.classon@manpower.se

Vi arbetar med löpande urval och kan komma att tillsätta uppdraget så fort vi hittat rätt person. Skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt!

Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig!


Placeringsort: Karlskoga Tillsättning: enligt överenskommelse

Om Jefferson Wells

Jefferson Wells är ett av Sveriges största konsultbolag av chefer och specialister inom ekonomi, executive, marknad & försäljning, inköp & logistik och ingenjörsområdet. Vi har den unika förmånen att samarbeta med företag, myndigheter och organisationer inom privat och offentlig sektor i hela Sverige. Våra konsultchefer har gedigen kunskap inom just ditt område och som konsult hos oss är din karriär och utveckling alltid i fokus

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Customer Contact Ghent to our Order Fulfillment department

Läs mer Jan 2
Epiroc is a leading productivity partner for the mining, infrastructure and natural resources industries. With cutting-edge technology, Epiroc develops and produces innovative drill rigs, rock excavation and construction equipment, and provides world-class service and consumables. The company was founded in Stockholm, Sweden, and has passionate people supporting and collaborating with customers in more than 150 countries. Learn more at www.epirocgroup.com.

Join our team
Global/Regional Distribution Center in Ghent, Belgium is a logistics provider within Epiroc Supply Chain in Tools division. Our task is to manage and develop a high-quality and cost-effective supply chain for our customers, to manage the distribution of spare parts as well as orders and delivery of rock drilling equipment. The primary goal is to support our Customer Centers succeed through high-quality deliveries on time.

In the role as a Customer Contact Ghent, you work with regional and global distribution of spare parts and aftermarket products for our two divisions PSD and RGD out from our third part warehouse (3PL) located in Ghent, Belgium. The Order Fulfillment team for Ghent is based in Sweden.

Your mission
Are you driven by being at the center of events coordinating order management and export? We are looking for you who want to work as a customer contact in the Order Fulfillment team. The tasks within Order Fulfillment are mainly order management, export handling, invoicing and shipping of spare parts, to be a logistic coordinator from order received to delivery. Each team member is primarily responsible for a number of Customer Centers (sales companies). You are responsible for ensuring a fast and efficient flow of spare part orders from DC to Customers and Customer Centers and you work with many functions within Epiroc to guarantee this. You will establish numerous contacts internally as well as externally with 3PL, forwarders, customs brokers and globally with our Customer Centers.  
This position is located in Örebro, Sweden.

Life at Epiroc
By joining our team, you can expect an atmosphere of creativity, innovation, and workplace diversity. You will be a part of a group of skilled and helpful colleagues who live by our core values: Collaboration, Commitment, and Innovation. We work in a global environment with over 113 different nationalities!  
In addition to the fact that we have a culture that is characterized by development combined with having a good balance between work and leisure, there are some things that makes us a little extra proud to work at Epiroc:  

•    Global career opportunities
•    Epiroc University, for your own competence development
•    Community involvement
•    Benefits package, which amongst other things include flexible working hours and bonus.

A hybrid workplace
Life at Epiroc can include the possibility for a hybrid workplace. It is a way of working that offers flexibility and participation allowing for a better balance between work and private life, which also promotes well-being. The hybrid workplace is an opportunity if work allows, based on your role, responsibilities, and individual conditions.

Application and contacts In this recruitment process, we review applications continuously and the position could be filled before the last application date, so welcome with your application as soon as possible. Last day to apply is 16th of January 2025.

For questions about the position, please contact recruiting manager Ann-Kristin Sverkersson, Inbound Replenishment and Order Fulfillment Manager DC Ghent, 
ann-kristin.sverkersson@epiroc.com, or Recruitment Specialist Maria Tedsjö, maria.tedsjo@external.epiroc.com.

Your profile
For this role, a bachelor’s degree in economics, technology or logistics or similar acquired through working experience is required. To enjoy the job, you must be collaborative, strong self-motivation, relationship builder and independently responsible for your tasks and always have a customer focus. You have the ability to connect with people and a must to succeed in this role is good communication skills both in writing and verbal, in English. We work towards timely departures with a clear focus on high-quality deliveries on time. Therefore, it is extra important to collaborate with colleagues and support the team and the business to operate in the best way.

We are looking for you, who have experience from logistics, distribution and customer orders. Trade compliance and customs knowledge is desirable. Previous experience with different IT tools, such as Word, Excel, etc.is a requirement. Knowledge of the M3 business system is desirable but not a requirement.

Take the chance to gain experience from work within a high-tech global company with a developing job and wonderful colleagues!

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Global Sourcing Specialist, Parts & Services Division

Läs mer Dec 5
Epiroc is a leading productivity partner for the mining, infrastructure and natural resources industries. With
cutting-edge technology, Epiroc develops and produces innovative drill rigs, rock excavation and construction
equipment, and provides world-class service and consumables. The company was founded in Stockholm,
Sweden, and has passionate people supporting and collaborating with customers in more than 150 countries.
Learn more at www.epirocgroup.com.

Are you passionate about strategic questions in Sourcing? Do you want to help drive the change in Parts & Services (PSD) Sourcing to support the three divisions in an optimal way? Would you like to see yourself as an important driving force in securing the transformation of PSD Sourcing to be more strategic?
At PSD we are now looking for you who want to take on the position for Global Sourcing Specialist.
 This role will be a key sourcing resource to safeguard that the Parts & Services divisional Sourcing structure will work – strong global Sourcing governance will be very important.The Global Sourcing Specialist will also be very important for PSD, when it comes to reach the targets for the five Strategic priorities: Resilience, Cost Efficiency, Compliance & Sustainability, People & Team and Innovation. 
Your mission
Your mission as Global Sourcing Specialist is to drive/support the develop/build-up of a strong united global PSD Sourcing team with Customer centric approach. By improvement, documentation and support on processes and applications the Global Sourcing Specialist facilitates global alignment and swift implementation of current and new process and procedures.You will also play an important role in PSD Sourcing colloboration with Epiroc Sourcing Group/Council different strategic initiatives and application development.
 The overall focus will be to minimize risk with the sustainable supplier base, support growth strategy, ensure security of supply, capture cost and efficiency savings, to support PSD´s three divisions business goals & strategies.This position works very closely with and reports directly to the Vice President Strategic Sourcing PSD.

Your profile
To thrive in the role, we see that you have a university degree and a minimum of 5 years of experience from strategic sourcing and/or supply chain. You have previous experience from leadership and have a good sense of business understanding. You need to be able to communicate, both verbal and written, in English.
We are looking for a dynamic and result oriented person strong in networking, and with strong customer focus. You have high communication skill and personal drive, works proactively and have a good analytical skill. On top of this you have a positive attitude, and you firmly believe that there is always a better way! 
In case a candidate from a different country applies and is successful, Swedish local terms and conditions will apply.
Location and travel
This position will be based in one of our primary locations which includes Garland, Texas or Örebro or Stockholm, Sweden. Occasional travel is required.

A hybrid workplace
Life at Epiroc can include the possibility for a hybrid workplace. It is a way of working that offers flexibility and participation allowing for a better balance between work and private life, which also promotes well-being. The hybrid workplace is an opportunity if work allows, based on your role, responsibilities, and individual conditions.
Application and contact information
We encourage you to submit your application through our online career site as soon as possible, but no later than January 6 2025. In this recruitment process, we review applications continuously.
For questions about the position please contact hiring manager: Per Hörner, Vice President Strategic Sourcing PSD, per.horner@epiroc.com / +4670 848 83 27
 For questions about the recruitment process or application please contact: Recruitment specialist; Maria Roseen, maria.x.roseen@external.epiroc.com.
We are committed to a thorough recruitment process, including interviews, reference checks and assessments. To ensure a safe working environment, we conduct identity checks and drug and alcohol screening. Our process is designed to be fair and inclusive; you can expect transparent communication and a balanced evaluation of your skills and experience.
 Please note that due to regulations, we cannot handle applications received through email. We have already made our choices regarding advertising channels and consulting providers, and kindly request not to be contacted regarding such inquiries.

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Var med på vår tillväxtresa och bli konsult inom inköp i Örebro

Läs mer Aug 28
ValueOne söker dig som letar nya utmaningar inom inköp och som vill vara med och växa med våra kunder i Örebro med omnejd. Har du erfarenhet inom området och är intresserad att utvecklas karriärmässigt kan vi erbjuda ett flertal olika uppdrag inom inköp.

Hos ValueOne ges du möjlighet till personlig samt professionell utveckling och får ingå i ett erfaret team med stor kompetens. Vi är specialister inom Supply Chain Management och kan erbjuda dig en möjlighet att utvecklas och utmana din yrkeskompetens och ledarförmåga genom spännande uppdrag och tjänster inom en mängd olika branscher.

Vi är främst intresserade av dig som har erfarenhet av:

Förhandlingar och avtalshantering
Implementering av strategier för kategorier och leverantörer
Utveckling av leverantörsbasen genom att identifiera nya leverantörer
Utveckling och uppföljning av befintliga leverantörer
Uppdateringar och underhåll av inköps- och leverantörsdata 

Erfarenhet och kompetens

Vi söker dig som vill utvecklas inom inköpsområdet, oavsett på vilken nivå du befinner dig i din karriär. Som person ser vi gärna att du har en stark egen drivkraft, är initiativrik och resultatinriktad. Du är kommunikativ och trivs med att ha breda kontaktytor. Relevant akademisk utbildning är meriterande för de uppdrag som vi tillsätter.


Ansökan och CV skickar du in via vår hemsida: http://valueone.se/aktuella-jobb/. Vi hanterar ansökningar och tillsätter tjänsterna löpande. Har du frågor är du välkommen att kontakta Johanna Hallnemo på telefon: 072-143 23 79.

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Andra jobb i Örebro från Epiroc Rock Drills AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Örebro från Epiroc Rock Drills AB .

Global Product Manager - Rock Drills

Produktchef, marknadsföring
Läs mer Jan 31
Learn more at www.epirocgroup.com.

Do you enjoy developing innovative solutions in the aftermarket and collaborating with others to drive change? The aftermarket business for drilling rigs is growing rapidly and we’re looking for a strategic and collaborative Global Product Manager, keen to develop solutions proactively together with our customers. We now have an exciting assignment in our global Parts Solutions team, Parts & Service Division, offering a valuable opportunity to gain global experience.

Join us as we accelerate the transformation!

Join our team
We are a supportive and diverse team that values teamwork, continuous learning, and innovation to create the best solutions for our customers. We work in a matrix and project environment, partnering with functions such as R&D, production, capital equipment divisions, supply chain, and digital solutions.
In this role, you will engage with teams across the organization to manage and optimize our key components, Rock Drills, Rotation Units, Feed & Boom. You will work closely with a team of Global Product Managers, reporting to the Global Product Line Manager for Parts Solutions.

Your mission
As the Global Product Manager, you will be the face of the division for the assigned products towards our customers and customer centers. Your mission is to lead the development of the product strategy by creating and communicating the global vision, direction, and roadmap for the product assortment. This includes fostering business growth by identifying new market opportunities and enhancing customer experience.

Key Responsibilities:
* Develop and implement strategies for Rock Drills, Rotation Units, and Feed & Boom parts, ensuring revenue growth, profitability, and innovation in alignment with the Product Portfolio vision.
* Track customer feedback, product performance, and developments in drilling applications while actively engaging with drilling application specialists in rock tools, surface, and underground drilling.
* Define and contribute aftermarket requirements to new product designs to ensure safe, quality, service-friendly designs for Rock Drills, Rotation Units, Feed & Boom products.
* Coordinate cross-functional inputs including branding, inventory, transport, compliance, customer share analysis, and pricing.
* Standardize and facilitate sales training for Rock Drills, Rotation Units, Feed & Boom.
* Analyze and report on competition, price competitiveness, counterfeiting, and product piracy.
* Actively participate in acquisition projects.
* Collaborate with cross-functional teams to facilitate product lifecycle management.

Your profile
To thrive in this role, we believe you are a collaborator with effective communication and planning skills. You can create a clear vision and communicate it with energy, as well as develop processes to establish new practices across functions. You have a proactive inclusive and collaborative approach, and the ability to advance initiatives while supporting colleagues in achieving shared goals.

* Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.
* Degree in Engineering; preferably Mining, Mechanical Engineering related or equivalent technical experience working with rock drilling applications.
* Familiarity with surface and underground drill rig products, including application knowledge, is strongly preferred.
* Experience in change management and project management is preferred.

Location and other
This position is located in Örebro, Sweden and occasional travel is required.

Application and contact information
We encourage you to submit your application through our online career site as soon as possible, but no later than February 28th, 2025. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and the position may be filled before last application date.

We are committed to a thorough recruitment process, including interviews, reference checks and assessments. To ensure a safe working environment, we conduct identity checks and drug and alcohol screening. Our process is designed to be fair and inclusive; you can expect transparent communication and a balanced evaluation of your skills and experience.

For questions about the position, please contact:
Hiring Manager, Effort Moyo, Global Product Line Manager - Parts Solutions, effort.moyo@epiroc.com

For questions about the recruitment process or application please contact: Emma Domare, Recruitment specialist emma.domare@epiroc.com

Please note that due to regulations, we cannot handle applications received through email.

We have already made our choices regarding advertising channels and consulting providers, and kindly request not to be contacted regarding such inquiries.

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Benefits Coordinator

Läs mer Feb 6
Learn more at www.epirocgroup.com.

Are you an organized, service-minded professional with a knack for multitasking and a passion for policy adherence? Would you like to be part of a forward-thinking company that values your input? Epiroc is looking for a dedicated Benefits Coordinator to join our team in Sweden!
In this role, you will be part of a highly specialized team with good opportunities to grow both in the role and within the organization.

Your mission
As a Benefits Coordinator, you will play a crucial role in maintaining our operational excellence. You will contribute to and execute the RCoE HR (Regional Center of Excellence HR) service offering, in close collaboration with Relocation Specialist, HR Specialists, and Payroll & HR Admin Specialists & Analysts.
Your responisbilities will include:
* Company Car Administration: Manage and coordinate a lean and effective process for administrating company cars, including invoicing, booking, and communication with leasing companies. Be the first point of contact for employees entitled to a company car, and ensure compliance with our company car policy.
* Company Credit Card Administration: Maintain the policy, ensure cardholders accept it, and liaise with banks for any issues.
* Benefits Portal Management: Keep our Benify portal up to date with the latest employee benefits.
* Housing Administration: Support relocated employees in collaboration with Relocation & Mobility Specialist
* Communication: Provide information and advice linked to internal HR policies and processes to internal stakeholders and external partners.
* First Line Support: Act as the first line support within the area to employees and managers.
* Process Improvement: Continuously improve processes and ways of working, using digitization and agile methodology to achieve further efficiencies.
* Data-Driven Role Model: Be a role model for data-driven ways of working and actively contribute to the development of the RCoE HR.

Your profile
To thrive in this role you should be quick, effective and structured, with strong coordination skills and the ability to navigate in a complex environment. You are service-minded, with excellent customer service skills and a 'can-do' attitude, combined with a strong continuous improvement mindset and the ability to innovate. You are able to prioritize tasks and meet conflicting deadlines, follow policies strictly, and handle significant interaction with high-level management diplomatically. 
The ideal candidate will have a background as a management assistant, coordinator, or other related positions. Fluency in Swedish and English, both in speech and writing, is a key requirement, and mastery of other languages is highly desirable.

Location and travel
The location for this role is Örebro, Sweden. Occasional travel may be required. If a candidate from another country applies and is successful, local terms and conditions will apply.

Life at Epiroc
By joining our team, you can expect an atmosphere of creativity, innovation, and workplace diversity. You will be a part of a group of skilled and helpful colleagues who live by our core values: Collaboration, Commitment, and Innovation. In addition to the fact that we have a culture characterized by development combined with a good balance between work and leisure, here are some things make us a little extra proud to work at Epiroc. Find out more at

Application and contact information
Welcome with your application as soon as possible by creating an account in our recruitment system and sending your application documents in English language. Last day to apply for this position is 27th February 2025.
We are committed to a thorough recruitment process, including interviews, reference checks, background check and other assessments. To ensure a safe working environment, we conduct identity checks and drug and alcohol screening. Our process is designed to be fair and inclusive; you can expect transparent communication and a balanced evaluation of your skills and experience.
For questions about the position please contact:
Hiring manager: Fredrik Niklasson fredrik.niklasson@epiroc.com or Recruitment Specialist Zuzana Kalivodova zuzana.kalivodova@epiroc.com?
Ready to make a difference? Join Epiroc and help us drive excellence!

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Global Sustainability & SHEQ Manager, Epiroc

Läs mer Jan 30
Epiroc is a leading productivity partner for the mining, infrastructure and natural resources industries. With
cutting-edge technology, Epiroc develops and produces innovative drill rigs, rock excavation and construction
equipment, and provides world-class service and consumables. The company was founded in Stockholm,
Sweden, and has passionate people supporting and collaborating with customers in more than 150 countries.
Learn more at www.epirocgroup.com.

Are you passionate about creating a sustainable and safe future? Do you thrive in a global, fast-paced environment where you can drive change and lead impactful initiatives? If so, Epiroc’s Surface Division is looking for you to join us as our next Global Sustainability & SHEQ Manager!
It all starts with people. People like you.

Join our team
At Epiroc, we believe that everything starts with people. We are a passionate, collaborative team that values innovation and strives to create a meaningful impact. As we continue to push forward on our mission to transform industries with sustainable solutions, we are looking for someone like you to lead the way.

Your mission
As Global Sustainability & SHEQ Manager, you will lead the way in driving sustainability within the Surface Division. Your role will focus on implementing strategies to reduce environmental impact, ensure compliance with global regulations, and promote a safety-first culture. You will influence change, align initiatives with Epiroc’s 2030 sustainability goals, and lead efforts to embed sustainability into our operations, making a meaningful impact for Epiroc and our customers worldwide.
Key Responsibilities
* Strategic Leadership: Develop and implement sustainability strategies, representing the Surface Division in Epiroc’s Group SHEQ Council.
* Compliance: Ensure adherence to global sustainability regulations and maintain robust management systems.
* Collaboration: Partner with cross-functional teams and influence leadership to drive sustainability initiatives across global operations.
* Data Impact: Analyze sustainability metrics and provide actionable insights to guide strategic decisions.
* Culture & Safety: Foster a strong culture of sustainability, safety, and quality within the division.

Your profile
We are looking for a visionary leader who is driven by sustainability and has the ability to inspire and lead others. You excel in a global organization and are resilient in navigating challenges. You don’t just follow regulations—you want to lead innovation, push boundaries, and create lasting change.
Your Background
* Degree in environmental science, sustainability, engineering, or business administration with a focus on sustainability management.
* At least 5 years of experience in sustainability, with expertise in safety, health, environment, and quality (SHEQ).
* Strong understanding of ESG, ISO standards, and global sustainability regulations.
* Proven experience leading cross-functional teams, collaborating with diverse stakeholders, and influencing decision-making at all levels.
* Excellent communication, presentation, and leadership skills.
* Experience in industrial or manufacturing environments, with exposure to global operations.
* Fluent in English (additional languages are a plus).

Location and other
This position can be located in Örebro, Sweden, or Garland, Texas, US. Extensive international travel required, estimated 30%.

Why Epiroc?
By joining our team, you’ll make a big difference in the energy transition. At Epiroc, we take pride in being passionate innovators, driving the change toward a brighter future for both people and the planet. Guided by our values of Collaboration, Commitment, and Innovation, we foster a culture of trust, growth, and lasting impact.
To support your journey, we offer a competitive Total Rewards Package, including:
* Global career opportunities
* Learning & Development programs
* Benefits package, including variable compensation (bonus)
* Flexible work culture promoting balance and well-being
* Global Parental Leave Policy
* Community involvement

Application and contact information
We encourage you to submit your application through our online career site as soon as possible, but no later than 2025-02-23. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and the position may be filled before last application date.
We are committed to a thorough recruitment process, including interviews, reference checks and assessments. To ensure a safe working environment, we conduct identity checks and drug and alcohol screening. Our process is designed to be fair and inclusive; you can expect transparent communication and a balanced evaluation of your skills and experience.
For questions about the position, please contact:
Hiring Manager, Amy Castillo, Vice President Human Resources, amy.castillo@epiroc.com
Or nesrin.kaddoura@epiroc.com
Please note that due to regulations, we cannot handle applications received through email.
We have already made our choices regarding advertising channels and consulting providers, and kindly request not to be contacted regarding such inquiries.

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Recruitment & Onboarding Coordinator

Läs mer Feb 5
Epiroc is a leading productivity partner for the mining, infrastructure and natural resources industries. With
cutting-edge technology, Epiroc develops and produces innovative drill rigs, rock excavation and construction
equipment, and provides world-class service and consumables. The company was founded in Stockholm,
Sweden, and has passionate people supporting and collaborating with customers in more than 150 countries.
Learn more at www.epirocgroup.com

We are currently looking for a Recruitment & Onboarding Coordinator to join our Talent Acquisition Team in Örebro. Are you a service-oriented coordinator with strong administrative skills? Do you thrive in a supportive role with many different contacts? If so, this opportunity could be perfect for you. This is a temporary assignment from March 2025 to March 2026. 
Join us as we accelerate the transformation! 
Join our team
The Talent Acquisition Team in the Regional Center of Excellence HR Nordics, based in Örebro and Prague, focuses on employer branding, recruitment, and onboarding. We are a dedicated team committed to attracting the right talent in alignment with our business strategy and core values, while also ensuring inclusion and diversity.
Your mission
Your primary focus will be to coordinate incoming recruitment requests from the business and serve as the first point of contact for recruitment and onboarding. You will play a crucial role in ensuring an excellent candidate experience by creating employment contracts, initiating the onboarding process and HR adminstration for new employees.
 Additionally, the role involves improving and developing our processes and ways of working, leveraging digitization and agile methodologies to achieve greater efficiencies. 
Your profile
You are service-oriented with a strong sense of responsibility. You excel at prioritizing tasks and thrive in a fast-paced environment. You take pleasure in administrative work and coordination, have a keen attention to detail, and you are a team player who enjoys sharing knowledge and experiences with you colleagues.  
* Extensive experience in administration.
* Proficiency in working with various systems.
* Communication skills in Swedish and English.
* Experience in HR administration, recruitment and labor law is a plus. 

Location and other
You will be working at our office located in Örebro, where we have flexible workplaces, newly built offices and many creative and pleasant meeting areas.
Life at Epiroc
By joining our team, you can expect an atmosphere of creativity, innovation, and workplace diversity. You will be a part of a group of skilled and helpful colleagues who live by our core values: Collaboration, Commitment, and Innovation. In addition to the fact that we have a culture that is characterized by development combined with having a good balance between work and leisure, some things make us a little extra proud to work at Epiroc. Find out more at https://www.epirocgroup.com/en/work-at-epiroc
Application and contact information
We encourage you to submit your application through our online career site as soon as possible, but no later than 2025-02-20. We review applications continuously.
We are committed to a thorough recruitment process, including interviews, reference checks and assessments. To ensure a safe working environment, we conduct identity checks and drug and alcohol screening. Our process is designed to be fair and inclusive; you can expect transparent communication and a balanced evaluation of your skills and experience. 
For questions about the position please contact Talent Acquisition and Learning & Development Manager, Ann-Sofie Pihl 076-697 69 54 ann-sofie.pihl@epiroc.com?


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Head of Planning Strategy & Development

Läs mer Feb 4
Epiroc is a leading productivity partner for the mining, infrastructure and natural resources industries. With cutting-edge technology, Epiroc develops and produces innovative drill rigs, rock excavation and construction equipment, and provides world-class service and consumables. The company was founded in Stockholm, Sweden, and has passionate people supporting and collaborating with customers in more than 150 countries. Learn more at www.epirocgroup.com.

Are you ready to lead a diverse team of experts dedicated to optimizing global processes and ensuring parts availability? At Epiroc, you'll gain a holistic understanding of our global supply chain and drive initiatives that make a difference. Join us in setting new standards for operational excellence and fostering career development.
Join us as we accelerate the transformation!
Join our team
Are you ready to play a key role in transforming the Epiroc supply chain? In this position, you will create value for our customers and Epiroc by developing global planning processes and systems that exceed expectations. You'll be part of a truly global, multi-cultural team that leverages diversity to drive success.
At Epiroc, our leaders accelerate transformation by fostering inclusion, inspiring innovation, and building trust. We prioritize safety, well-being, and growth while embracing bold decisions and collaboration. We encourage our leaders to have the courage to believe in new ideas. Some ideas will fail, and from those, we will learn.
Your Mission 
As a key player in our global operations, you’ll lead the development of cutting-edge supply chain planning processes and systems. You will coordinate the overall strategy roadmap within the supply chain planning functions to secure progress towards our long-term objectives. By coordinating with divisional planning teams, you’ll drive success in availability, inventory optimization, cost reduction, and transportation efficiency. 
In this role, you will lead and develop a high-performing global team to deliver on strategic supply chain goals. You’ll work to build and standardize a common supply chain planning process model across divisions, collaborating with divisional teams to ensure alignment on business requirements. You will manage project portfolios, ensuring resource allocation aligns with business priorities, while overseeing planning applications, managing budgets, and ensuring success. Additionally, you’ll safeguard effective change management processes to support transformation and lead competence development activities to ensure continuous team growth.
Main Tasks
•    Organizational development and people leadership; secure that the team has the right people, training, and support needed for individual growth.
•    Develop and govern a common planning process model.
•    Coordination and governance of our supply chain planning strategy roadmap
•    Coordinate business requirements with divisional teams.
•    Allocate resources for projects based on business needs.
•    Engage with stakeholders to manage the project portfolio.
•    Oversee planning applications, including budgets and development.
•    Safeguard the change management process.
•    Drive competence development activities.
Location and other
This position is located in Örebro, Sweden. Occasional travel is required. 
Application and contact information
We encourage you to submit your application through our online career site as soon as possible, but no later than 18th of February 2025. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and the position may be filled before last application date. 
We are committed to a thorough recruitment process, including interviews, reference checks and assessments. To ensure a safe working environment, we conduct identity checks and drug and alcohol screening. Our process is designed to be fair and inclusive; you can expect transparent communication and a balanced evaluation of your skills and experience.
For questions about the position, please contact:
Hiring Manager, Johan Zander, johan.zander@epiroc.com
Recruitment specialist, Maria Tedsjö, maria.tedsjo@external.epiroc.com

Your Profile
We’re looking for someone with extensive experience in end-to-end supply chain management within a global organization and proven leadership experience with a track record of delivering successful supply chain initiatives. You should have expertise with supply chain planning applications and systems, and hold a degree in supply chain, logistics, operations, or related fields (MBA preferred). At least 10 years of experience in global supply chain management is required, along with strong English communication skills. 
You are a motivating leader, customer-focused, result-oriented, and thrive in a dynamic, multi-cultural environment.

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Global Business Process Manager, Master Data

Läs mer Jan 24
Epiroc is a leading productivity partner for the mining, infrastructure and natural resources industries. With
cutting-edge technology, Epiroc develops and produces innovative drill rigs, rock excavation and construction
equipment, and provides world-class service and consumables. The company was founded in Stockholm,
Sweden, and has passionate people supporting and collaborating with customers in more than 150 countries.
Learn more at www.epirocgroup.com.

Are you passionate about turning data into a strategic asset? Do you have a talent for bridging technical expertise with business insights to drive impactful decisions? If you’re ready to lead in the dynamic field of Master Data Governance at a global level, we want you to join our team as our next Global Business Process Manager – Master Data.
Join us as we accelerate the transformation!

Join our team
At Epiroc, the Master Data Governance team strives to turn Master Data into a strategic advantage. By supporting our divisions and functions in reaching their operational and strategic goals, we ensure the highest quality, sustainability, and efficiency of Master Data. Together, we aim to continuously optimize Master Data performance, contributing to Epiroc’s growth and success.

Your mission
As Global Business Process Manager – Master Data, you will play a pivotal role in shaping and managing global standards, policies, and processes for critical Master Data objects. This includes everything from parts and suppliers to customers and service definitions. You will also actively support system implementations, integrations, and business transformations.
Your responsibilities span four key areas:
* Master Data Standards and Data Profiling Rules
* Master Data Processes
* Project Support
* Operational Execution

In this role, you will define and maintain data standards and profiling rules across key domains while working closely with project teams to provide technical support. You’ll extract and integrate data from source applications to assist with analytics and system integrations. Additionally, you will contribute to the design of data quality dashboards, analyze Master Data processes for continuous improvement, and support the creation of a Master Data library for business transformation projects. Alongside these tasks, you’ll assist with daily operations and change activities to ensure alignment with the governance structure.

Your profile
To succeed in this role, you bring a blend of technical expertise and business acumen. We’re looking for someone with:
* Experience: 3–5 years in data analysis, data architecture, data science, or statistics.
* Education: A degree in Data/Data Analytics Sciences or equivalent professional experience.
* Expertise: Strong background in Master Data Management and Governance in a global corporate setting, with hands-on experience in creating and maintaining data models and libraries.
* Tools & Systems Knowledge: Familiarity with Master Data-related aspects in systems such as M3, SAP, Oracle, and Teamcenter.
* Proven ability to translate complex business challenges into actionable data solutions and analyze data monitoring results for meaningful improvements.
* Passionate about innovation in data governance, including AI and automation trends, with a strong drive for continuous improvement.

Additionally, your interpersonal and communication skills make you an effective collaborator across all levels of the organization, and your team-oriented approach fosters a unified effort toward shared goals.

Location and other
This position is located in Örebro or Fagersta, Sweden. Occasional travel is required.

Application and contact information
We encourage you to submit your application through our online career site as soon as possible, but no later than 2025-02-16. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and the position may be filled before last application date.
We are committed to a thorough recruitment process, including interviews, reference checks and assessments. To ensure a safe working environment, we conduct identity checks and drug and alcohol screening. Our process is designed to be fair and inclusive; you can expect transparent communication and a balanced evaluation of your skills and experience.
For questions about the position, please contact:
Hiring Manager, Lisa Shaffstall, Global Master Data Governance Manager, lisa.shaffstall@epiroc.com or nesrin.kaddoura@epiroc.com  
Please note that due to regulations, we cannot handle applications received through email.
We have already made our choices regarding advertising channels and consulting providers, and kindly request not to be contacted regarding such inquiries

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